
Learn more about candle ingredients and scents, and follow instructions and tips on how to take the best care of your candle

Why are some scented candles problematic?

Most scented candles contain three main ingredients: wax, scents, and dyes. Most candle companies use Paraffin wax, which contains several chemicals and can cause soot when the candle is burned. Concerns are also raised when companies use highly concentrated scents and certain essential oils. Finally, dyes can harm pets when ingested, and are typically an unneeded ingredient used for solely aesthetic purposes. While some dyes may be safe, at Sparks for Barks we remain dye free to ease the worries of pet owners.

Are essential oils okay to use around my dog?

If you are a frequent candle user and a pet owner, you have probably been told to avoid essential oil use around your pets. While you should aways keep essential oils and candles out of reach of pets, several essential oils are safe to use around dogs. In fact, many vets use essential oils to help dogs with anxiety or other behavioral issues.

When picking what scents to use around your pet, do research on what scents are safe. All Sparks for Barks scents contain essential oils that are safe for pets, but if you have questions or concerns, it is always best to contact your vet. The following lists may work as a guide, but is not comprehensive. Please complete sufficient research and talk to your vet before purchasing if you are unsure about your pet’s safety.


  • Cedar Wood
  • Chamomile
  • Ginger
  • Lavender
  • Lemongrass
  • Rose
  • Vanilla


  • Citrus
  • Cinnamon
  • Clove
  • Peppermint
  • Pine
  • Wintergreen
  • Ylang Ylang

Remember to keep all candles out of reach of pets. In the case that your dog ingests a candle, contact your vet and keep an eye on your pet for any symptoms of essential oil poisoning: lethargy, diarrhea,  omitting, depression, drooling, lethargy, tremors, wobbliness, or behavior changes.

Does the type of wax matter?

Yes! There are several types of candle wax to choose from. At Sparks for Barks, we use soy wax. Paraffin wax is likely what your favorite candle company uses, but it is not an eco-friendly choice as it is a by-product of the oil industry. Additionally, these candles can produce soot when burned if not cared for properly.

Soy wax, as used by Sparks for Barks, is an eco-friendly option that comes from soy beans. Soy wax candles tend to last longer than other candles due to their slow-burning properties.

Beeswax is an option that has a naturally sweet aroma. Even though it is an eco-friendly option, it is more expensive to produce and sell. Additionally, foreign sellers are able to label their beeswax as organic with no proof, so consumers should be wary when purchasing beeswax and beeswax candles.

Candle Safety

To get the best use of your candles, follow these tips!

  • Trim candle wick to 1/4 inch before each use
  • During your first burn, let the candle burn for at least an hour
    • Allow the wax to burn to the edge of the candle to prevent tunneling
  • Keep out of reach of pets and children
    • While the scents may be safe, a flame is definitely not!
  • Do not burn for over 4 hours
  • Never leave unattended
  • Never burn a candle overnight